
Priyangshu Pal

Full-stack Developer

About Me

I like building awesome software that solves practical problems. I am experienced in building multitenant orchestration platforms and Web and Mobile applications with JavaScript / Reactjs / Nodejs and many other cool libraries and frameworks. I can develop highly scalable backends and interactive Front end / User Interfaces for your web and mobile applications.

I've always been a great problem solver and a technophile obsessed with the latest technologies. I'm familiar with a variety of technologies, including JavaScript, Typescript, Nodejs, Java, Amazon AWS, and GCP, but always adding new skills to my repertoire. I'm also eager to meet other software engineers in the area, so feel free to connect!


Walmart Global Tech

Software Engineer II

  • Engineered solutions to improve package tracking and ensure consistency with carriers (like FedEx, UPS, etc.) which improved our delivery communications Service Level Agreement (SLA) up to 90%.
  • Upgraded self-serve flows in chatbots, reducing agent transfer rates by 45% in Mexico and 67% in Canada
  • Key contributor in building a multi-tenant platform from scratch that supports the backend of over 10 chatbots.
  • Containerized and deployed the platform on Walmart's native cloud using Kubernetes.
  • Developed a React frontend with server-side rendering for use across Web, Android, and iOS platforms.
  • Liaised as the primary POC for three chatbots for reviewing external teams' features, designs, and requirements.

Walmart Global Tech

Software Engineer Intern

  • Built a test automation framework from scratch for three chatbot middleware applications
  • Attained over 90% of code coverage through the framework, enforcing fewer errors and standardizing coding practices throughout the project
  • Set up observability dashboards using Splunk and Grafana to identify trends and send alerts during anomalies.

Tactical Tensors

Android Developer Intern

  • Developed an android app that computerized the restaurant management activities of five hotels.
  • Managed end-to-end hotel operations within the app, and real-time food order updates
  • Used OCR to automate the generation of overall stay invoices from room bills and show in the app; reduced customer wait times and enhanced guest satisfaction.

Team Unitum

Founding Developer

  • Worked in a team of 3 Android developer interns, developed, and launched Team Unitum's first official Android app from scratch.
  • Integrated with Google Maps to display nearby partner fitness centers, allowing customers to buy a Team Unitum membership and gain access to 50+ partner fitness centers.


New York University

Aug 2023 - Present GPA: 3.93 / 4.0

Master of Science in Computer Science


  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Big Data
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Cloud computing
  • Blockchain

R.V. College of Engineering

Aug 2017 - Jul 2021

Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science and Engineering


Fault-tolerant key/value store using raft-consensus protocol and gRPC

This project provides a Go implementation of a key/value store using Raft consensus protocol. It utilizes gRPC for communication between Raft peers which helps improve the performance of the Raft cluster. Achieved operation replication speeds of ~3000 operations/sec with 3 nodes and ~2000 operations/sec with 5 nodes.

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Local-first realtime collaborative rich-text editor

A collaborative rich-text editor that uses Conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) to support real-time collaboration. It uses a variant of Replicable Growable Array (RGA) protocol implemented as a Timestamped Insertion List (TI List) that guarantees "Eventual Consistency" and ensures user-intent preservation.

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Peer-to-peer content-addressable distributed file system

This project offers a content-addressable distributed file storage built using Go. It also implements a peer-to-peer library built on top of TCP from scratch. This custom network library supports streaming files across the network in chunks, allowing the exchange of large files across the network.

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Peer-to-peer remote desktop control and access tool

A Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) delivery via a peer-to-peer architecture utilizing Google's WebRTC framework. By integrating state-of-the-art technologies like Google's WebRTC framework, STUN servers, and signaling servers, this project offers an in-browser remote desktop experience.

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Microservices-based sublease marketplace on AWS

Student Lease is a sublease marketplace platform with a highly scalable backend, designed for students dealing with housing transitions. This project makes use of microservice architecture to achieve isolation of concerns and enhanced scalability.

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Large-scale event success predictor

A large-scale sentiment analysis model that uses distributed processing (using Apache Spark/Dask) capabilities to process big data without the risk of failure. For predicting the success of an event, the majority sentiment of scraped data from various social media platforms is used.

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